The Broad Hinton and Winterbourne Bassett Parish Council represents the broad interests of village residents. Currently there are six Councillors all of whom are volunteers. Each represents different areas where they have expertise. The Council also has a Clerk, who is paid a monthly wage.
The Council meets once every two months unless there is an urgent piece of business, when extra meetings can be called. The agenda of each meeting is published on the two village Facebook pages as well as being placed on relevant noticeboards. As the meetings are open to the public, minutes are taken and these are published.
The Council has clear links to Wiltshire Council and a member of Wiltshire Council attends the bi-monthly meetings. Major projects that require action from the Parish Council are always undertaken in conjunction with Wiltshire Council. Parish Council members sit on a number of Wiltshire Council sub committees, such as the Community Area Transport Group.
The Council has a budget that is renewed each year and forms part of the Wiltshire Council annual Council Tax Bill.