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The Parish Council runs a standard profit and loss account, with a Current Account and Deposit Account held in a bank in Swindon.  The Clerk is the Responsible Finance Officer, with a nominated Councillor as overseer.


The Income for the account comes from the annual precept agreed with Wiltshire Council.  This is calculated by the Council in January of each year and submitted to Wiltshire Council in a set format by a given date in January. Other income is obtained by claiming back VAT where appropriate, plus any grants given.


The major expenditure for the year is the salary for the Clerk, as well as other fixed overheads such as the maintenance of the two defibrillators held in Broad Hinton and Winterbourne Bassett.  Each year the council decides on a number of projects designed to enhance the Parish and the estimated cost of these is added to the precept.  The Council is also a member of the Wiltshire Association of Local Councils and other organisations all of which have an annual subscription.  Details of the income and expenditure are given below.


The Council also runs an account for the Parish Allotments, which is ring fenced.  Income comes from the annual subscription, whilst expenditure consists mainly of the annual rent for the land, as well as other expected expenses.

Financial Information
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