Get Involved
Small parishes like ours find it hard to attract enough volunteers to fill all the positions on the Parish Council so we are always interested to hear from a villager that would like to volunteer some time to join the Council.
Meetings are held six times per year and we also correspond on email between those meetings. The councillors are all unpaid but give you a chance to contribute something back to your local community.
If committing to becoming a councillor is too much, do look out for our annual Village Cleanup days where you can help keep our villages looking smart.
We currently have a vacancy for a councillor, see the News pages for more details.
If you feel you have the skills and wish to serve the community as a Parish Councillor, please contact the Clerk, Peter Barry, by email at to express your interest.
If you require any further information, please contact Alex Laroche (Chairman) on 07974 398640 or email