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Temporary disruption to recycling collection service

Writer's picture: Adam GilmoreAdam Gilmore

From Wiltshire Council...

Dear resident,

Due to severe staff shortages, our waste collection service provider, Hills Municipal Collections, is unable to provide all waste collection services as we would wish. To enable the delivery of essential collection services such as clinical, residual waste, and garden waste some recycling rounds are running one, two, or in some instances three days late. We have set up a webpage to provide a weekday daily update of the locations of any rescheduled collections. People are asked to check that webpage prior to reporting a missed bin collection to the council if they can. The page can be found at

Understandably, we are receiving a high level of correspondence about the waste issues, and we do not have the capacity to respond to every one, but the webpage provides useful information and clarity for residents. If your recycling container is not emptied on the scheduled collection day, please leave it out and it will be emptied as soon as possible. You do not need to report a missed collection or contact us as we know there is an issue. However, if your collection is more than three days late you can go online to report the missed collection at Rounds will be operating on Saturdays to minimise the disruption, and our service provider is working with the council to explore the possibility of operating on Sundays too. This issue is one of our highest priorities to resolve. We are working closely with Hills Municipal Collections to manage the company’s severe staffing shortage and ensure there is a strong action plan in place to improve the situation as quickly as possible, so they are able to fulfil their contractual obligations. Our service provider is also working hard to recruit to fill the current vacancies. For more information about these, please visit We appreciate your patience and understanding. Dr Cllr Mark McClelland Cabinet Member for Transport, Waste, Street Scene and Flooding

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