What We Do
The Broad Hinton and Winterbourne Bassett Parish Council is a permanent body whose main aim is to represent the well being and desires of those living in the Parish. Whilst it’s members can be voted on and off from time to time, it is helpful for Councillors to fulfil a complete term of office, so providing continuity and expertise. It is important to know that all Councillors are volunteers, giving up their time to assist the
Parish without any remuneration.
One of the key aspects of the Council is to act as liaison between the Parish and Wiltshire Council. Being on the ground the, Parish Council is able to ensure Wiltshire Council fully undertakes those tasks for which it is responsible and funded. Matters such as drainage, street lighting and signage on the roads need constant review and ensuring the County Council perform as expected falls to the Parish Council. Of particular importance is the ability of the Council to react to any emergencies that could arise in its area. Contingency plans are worked out, but on the day, matters will never go exactly according to plan, and the Council must be in a position to react to assist residents should a disaster (e.g. flooding) occur. The Council is expected to be funded and equipped to react and help those in distress.
The Council meets once every two months in a locality which is convenient to as many as possible. Councillors are expected to attend every meeting and also be in a position to report on those areas for which they are held responsible. The responsibilities of Councillors can be seen in the Who We Are section. Minutes of these Meetings are taken and act as a record of events and how the Council handled them. The Meetings are open to members of the public and the Minutes are published on this website in the section below.
The Council employs a Clerk who is responsible for the day to day smooth running of the Council. The Clerk takes Minutes of the Meeting, is responsible for liaising with Wiltshire Council and other services that operate in the area. Being a paid employee, the Clerk is the immediate point of contact for any enquiry, be from members of the public, or outside agencies. The Clerk liaises closely with the Chairman of the Council and ensures the wishes of all Councillors are carried out in a timely fashion. The Clerk is also responsible for the Council finances and reports on the financial situation at each of the bi-monthly meetings.
The Council exists essentially to fulfil the needs and desires of those living within the Parish area. The Council can only work efficiently if links with residents are fostered and maintained. Requests and comments from residents are always welcomed and hopefully acted upon in a timely fashion.